
  1.  在陰莖接觸口部,肛門或陰道之前及在陰莖完全勃起之後,小心打開安全套的包裝,不要使用剪刀或切割利器,
  2. 在進入伴侶身體之前戴上安全套,按壓安全套的前端把空氣擠出,以便保留前端空間供射精時盛載精液之用,
  3. 將安全套套在勃起的陰莖前端,繼續按著安全套前端,把安全套捲開,套著整個陰莖至陰毛處,如不慎將安全套倒轉戴上,應使用另一個新的安全套,
  4. 射精後緊按安全套邊緣趁陰莖仍堅硬時將其取出,轉身背向伴侶,然後脫下安全套,以避免任何精液接觸到對方.


General instructions for putting on a male condom are as follows:

  1. Check the expiry date on the condom wrapper – Condoms have a printed expiry date and batch number. Do not use out of date condoms.
  2. Gently apply pressure to the condom wrapper to make sure it has a slight pillow-like quality to it, indicating air inside and proper and unbroken sealing. Otherwise air may have escaped from tear or punctures and the condom itself may be damaged as well.
  3. Exercising caution, open the foil (or plastic) wrapper along one side. Be careful not to damage the condom with sharp objects.
  4. If the condom is sticky or brittle, discard it and use another one.
  5. Press firmly together the tip of the condom to expel air that may be trapped inside the condom. Air pockets can cause the condom to burst. This tip is there to contain the discharge in ejaculation.
  6. Check that the condom is in the right direction to unroll down the penis and before unrolling put it on the tip of the penis. If you accidentally try to put it on the wrong way, discard it and start over with a new condom. Touching the wrong side of the condom with the penis can transfer bodily fluids, defeating its purpose.
  7. Unroll the condom over the shaft of the penis. Unroll it all the way. If it does not unroll, it is on the wrong way and you must start over with a new condom.
  8. Make sure the condom isn’t loose or or at risk of coming off.
  9. Do not allow the penis to go flaccid at any time while wearing or putting on the condom; You will have to discard the condom otherwise.
