Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚 1448

Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚

Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚


-使用AA電池x 2

產品尺寸:長78mm 寬36mm 高29mm

Conveyor Belt Sushi Vibrator Tuna

Sushi is one of Japanese food culture! Now you can experience it through toys.

-Adjustable vibration intensity
-Use AA batteries x 2

Product size: length 78mm, width 36mm, height 29mm
Product weight: 76g

Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚 Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚 Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚 Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚

Click to buy 點擊購買 Sushi Vibrator 迴轉壽司震蛋-金槍魚 1448
