Round Tip Dilator 圓形尖端-金屬尿道刺激器 64368
這款優雅的金屬擴張器可為您的尿道帶來未知的刺激。 由於底部較窄,很容易插入,而頂部較寬則提供額外的刺激。 在使用過程中將金屬加熱或冷卻,以產生更多的感覺! 放擴張器的是溫水還是冷水,金屬會很快接管水的溫度。 由於該擴張器是金屬製成的,因此具有低變應原性,並且易於用玩具清潔劑和乾淨的布或用水和抗菌肥皂清潔。
顏色 :銀
總長度:13.50cm,有效插入長度 12.0cm,最大插入直徑 10mm
Metal Dilator With Round Tip 64368
Enjoy a lovely stimulation of your urethral with this elegant metal dilator. Because of the narrow bottom part, it is easy to insert, while the wide top provides extra stimulation. Warm the metal up or cool it down for even more sensations during use! Put the dilator is warm or cold water and the metal quickly takes over the temperature of the water. Because it is made of metal, the dilator is hypo-allergenic and is easy to clean with a toy cleaner and a clean cloth or with water and anitbacterial soap.
Product Details
Colour: Silver
Material: Metal
Suitable for: Men
Suitable for penetration: Yes
Suitable lubricant: Water and silicone based
Total Length: 13.50cm, max insert length 12.0cm, max insert diameter 10mm
Waterproof: Yes