Aneros EVI 會陰鍛練

Aneros EVI 會陰鍛練

Aneros EVI 會陰鍛練


Aneros EVI 會陰鍛練

Aneros EVI 設計獨特,是 Aneros 公司專為女性而設的產品,可用作會陰鍛練。


Aneros EVI的棒頭以突出拱形設計,有效刺激 G 點,在收緊陰部同時給妳興奮!

Aneros EVI的尾巴部分在妳收緊會陰肌肉時會對陰蒂作出刺激,給妳陰蒂歡愉!


這產品極之適合想收緊陰道,維持陰道健康,令 G 點和陰蒂變得更敏感的女性使用。

– 外層採用高質素矽膠素材製造
– 無震動設計,也不需用手
– 透過收緊會陰肌肉去享受興奮
– 收緊會陰的興奮有別於一般急速震動,或抽插的效果
– 有助收緊陰道
– 有助維持陰道健康
– 有助 G 點和陰蒂變得更敏感
– Aneros EVI User Guide Download

– 建議配合水溶性潤滑液使用
– 矽膠潤滑液會破壞矽膠製產品
– 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用

Aneros EVI

The anatomically designed Evi by Aneros for women requires no vibration and offers users a sensual, hands-free experience like no other. Evi also offers the ability to strengthen pelvic floor muscles which help a woman perform a strong vise-like grip during intercourse; enhance arousal through increased blood flow; have multiple, more intense orgasms, more often; enhance bladder control; and facilitate healthy pregnancy, leading to easier delivery and post-partum recovery.

Upon insertion, the Evi is gripped by the user’s pelvic floor muscles, helping the user discover and exercise the muscles essential to sexual pleasure and also bladder control. The curved front of the bulb stimulates the user’s G-spot, and the handle is designed to stimulate the clitoris, adding a pleasurable aspect to using the Evi, which led to the slogan “Kegel fitness with orgasmic incentives.” Early users have reported increased strength in Kegel muscles, with one reviewer calling it “… a barbell for your lady bits.” Another early user won an Evi at a sex-educators’ convention, and started using it immediately, leaving the empty box in a conference restroom.


Evi is the newest product from Aneros and the company’s first designed specifically for women. Evi is covered in velvet-touch silicone and measures 5.7 inches. It weighs 3.3 oz and can be worn undetectably under clothing.

Evi… for Kegel fitness with orgasmic incentives.

Fascinate Balls 著迷雙球藝妓球

Fascinate Balls 著迷雙球藝妓球
Fascinate Balls 著迷雙球藝妓球

Fascinate Balls 著迷雙球

Vibe Therapy Fascinate Balls 球心內置 2 粒重量鋼珠,走動時鋼珠被帶動而發出震盪力,有效按摩陰道壁,增強陰道肌肉彈性,並有修陰之效。

使用前後,請用溫水和肥皂清洗,Fascinate Balls 表層是最新的抗菌材質,所以無需要使用消毒劑。

– 100%醫用矽膠製造
– 抗菌材質
– 增強陰道肌肉彈性
– 可助修陰
– 結實、耐用
– 容易清洗

– 建議配合潤滑油使用
– 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用

Vibe Therapy Fascinate Silicone Duo Balls

These fascinating Fascinate Silicone Duo Balls from Vibe Therapy are love balls with an upgrade!

Get ready for some fascinating fun… with these Vibe Therapy Fascinate Silicone Duo Balls!

These carefully crafted love balls are made from 100% medical grade silicone and ABS plastic, giving them a firm, solid feel when you place them inside you.

Rock to and fro with them inserted for some delicious vibrating sensations. Entirely waterproof, these Duo Balls are easy to clean, with the external cord being made of silicone too.

The Vibe Therapy range combines top quality craftsmanship with only the finest materials and design technology, to provide only the finest precision tailored experience for the more discerning woman.

Rock to and fro for amazing sensations. 100% waterproof.

SINFIVE EMIGI Set light 愛珍珠藝妓球修陰組-輕

SINFIVE EMIGI Set light 愛珍珠修陰組-輕
SINFIVE EMIGI Set light 愛珍珠藝妓球修陰組-輕

SINFIVE EMIGI Set light 愛珍珠修陰組-輕

愛珍珠修陰組設有兩種不同重量的愛珍珠,分別為 42g(玫瑰紅)和 58g(粉紅色)。


請先使用 42g 的愛珍珠,待適應後再使用 58g 的愛珍珠。


– 增強陰道肌肉彈性
– 可助修陰
– 抗菌材質
– 結實、耐用
– 容易清洗
– 不適宜配合油性和矽膠潤滑液使用

– 建議配合水溶性潤滑液使用
– 矽膠潤滑液會破壞矽膠製產品
– 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用

SinFive Emigi 藝妓球

Sinfive Lovepearl 愛珍珠(粉藍色)
Sinfive Lovepearl 愛珍珠(粉藍色)


Sinfive Lovepearl 愛珍珠(粉藍色)

Lovepearl 球心內置 2 粒重量鋼珠,走動時鋼珠被帶動而發出震盪力,有效按摩陰道壁,增強陰道肌肉彈性,並有修陰之效。

配合潤滑油將 Lovepearl 插入陰道(如衛生棉條),預留 1/3 尾巴,方便取出。

Lovepearl 可以長時間使用,例如上班,shopping。

使用前後,請用溫水和肥皂清洗,Lovepearl 表層是最新的抗菌材質,所以無需要使用消毒劑。

– 增強陰道肌肉彈性
– 可助修陰
– 抗菌材質
– 結實、耐用
– 容易清洗

– 建議配合潤滑油使用
– 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用

Je Joue Ami 藝妓球

Jejoue - Ami 收陰鍛鍊珠(purple)
Jejoue – Ami 收陰鍛鍊珠(purple)

三個藝妓球能幫助你通過「Kegel」運動,令陰道肌肉緊緻,PC 肌更強健,令做愛時雙方都更有感覺。

PC exercises using Ami

Before enjoying Ami, you’ll need to locate your PC muscle. You can easily find it by trying to stop the flow of urine while going to the loo. The muscle you’re contracting is your PC muscle.

Now you’ve found it, choose your Ami. Beginners should start with Ami 1, and you’ll gradually be able to progress to Ami 2 and Ami 3 as your muscle strength improves. Coat your Ami with generous amounts of water-based lubricant before you begin exercising.

There are many different Kegel exercises, and some may suit you more than others. Try the popular ones below or experiment with other techniques, such as wearing Ami around the house or doing your favourite exercise to enjoy the pleasant rumble sensation it creates and let the kinetic energy of the balls do their work.

Exercise 1: Something simple

Relax down onto your back on a bed or the floor and insert your Ami. Squeeze your PC muscle for five seconds to grip Ami, then release for five seconds. Repeat this 10 times. Take a one-minute break, then repeat this again. Next, take a two-minute break before doing a third and final set of 10. Perform this daily, and when it gets too easy, try three sets of 15 instead of 10.

Exercise 2: A little more advanced

Sit on the edge of a bed or chair and insert the Ami of your choice. Squeeze your PC muscle, then use the string to gently pull your Ami out for five seconds, then relax for five seconds. Repeat this 10 times. Give yourself a one-minute break before repeating this again. Next, take a two-minute break before your last set of 10. Do this every day, and when you feel it’s too simple, increase the number of repetitions to three sets of 15 instead of 10.

女之秘器 – 勉鈴 (粉紅)

女之秘器 - 勉鈴 (粉紅)
女之秘器 – 勉鈴 (粉紅)


Smartballs A Deeply Feminine Pleasure

This product is inserted into the vagina and can be worn for several hours. Every move you make causes the metal balls in the Smartballs interior to vibrate. Hence, the vaginal muscles are stimulated, massaged and exercised. The Smartballs even provide a targeted workout of the pelvic floor, which leads to more fun with your partner. They support regeneration gymnastics and can prevent incontinence.

Remember: Stronger pelvic floor muscles = stronger orgasms!

The idea behind is two vaginally inserted eggs that vibrate from the movement of your body. A small metal ball moves freely inside of a larger egg or sphere, and as you move vibrations are created.

Smartballs are made of safe, non-hazardous materials, Elastomed, which are also used in the manufacturing of medical products. They are extremely durable and easy to clean.

The unique design and velvety smooth surface are a delight to the eye. The structure and the slightly elliptic form noticeably enhance the thrill of the intimate massage.

A new, patented manufacturing process enhances the silent run feature of the inner balls and makes Smartballs the quietest love balls in the world.

Tip: A drop of Aqua Lotion makes insertion easier.

Measures approximately 10cm long by 3.5cm wide






“勉鈴”大約正是萬曆年間從緬甸傳來的一種貴重淫器,當時一定成為群眾注意的新事物。 《金瓶梅》作者也特別重視“勉鈴”。第十六回有一首西江月詞賦詠這件東西: “原是番兵出產,逢人薦轉在京。身軀瘦小內玲瓏,得人輕借力,展轉作蟬鳴。解使佳人心顫,慣能助腎威風。號稱金面勇先鋒,戰降功第一,揚名勉子鈴。”


現在,我們看看別的記載: “緬鈴薄極,無可比擬。大如小黃豆,內藏鳥液少少許,外裹薄銅七十二層,疑屬鬼神造。以置案頭,不住旋運。握之,令人渾身麻木。收藏稍不謹,輒破。有毫髮破壞,更不可修葺,便無用矣。鳥液出深山坳中,異鳥翔集所遺精液也,瑩潤若珠,最不易得。”
鴞,或謂應作鵬。 ”

Ben Wa Balls Wiki 收陰球/藝妓球

Source: Wiki

Ben Wa balls, also known as Burmese bells, Benoît balls, Orgasm balls, Venus balls or Geisha balls (Chinese: 阴道球; pinyin: yīndàoqiú “vagina ball", or Chinese: 内用球; pinyin: nèiyòngqiú “internal-use ball"), are small, marble-sized balls, usually hollow and containing a small weight, that roll around and are used for sexual stimulation (by insertion into the vagina). Available in a variety of forms, the balls may be solid, or contain clappers or chimes within. Other, larger versions made of plastic encasing lesser balls are called Duotone balls. They are used by inserting them into the vagina and using muscles to hold them in, stimulating movement and vibration.

Ben Wa Balls have a varied history; their origin and method of construction varies depending upon location. Most information concerning Ben-Wa Balls is vague and probably apocryphal. Originally they were made of a single ball placed in the vagina, used to enhance the act of coitus, but then evolved into multiple metal covered balls linked by either a chain or silk string for easy removal. Usage of Ben Wa balls creates a subtle stimulation, not meant to bring the user to immediate orgasm but rather to tease. It is possible to leave Ben Wa balls in one’s vagina all day, or use them while seated in a rocking chair,[1] for an effect that some find pleasurable. At the end of the sixteenth century, Ralph Fitch, an English traveller, encountered them in the Shan States of Myanmar.[citation needed] He described their use there by men. Less than a dozen years later, the Florentine merchant Francesco Carletti also reported their use in Thailand, where they were used to enlarge the penis.[citation needed]

Ben Wa balls may also be used to simply increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, much as Taoist sexual practices has been used for centuries,[citation needed] and the Kegel exercises are used today. Similar to Kegel exercises, Ben Wa balls and other shaped vaginal weights are recommended by gynecologists and obstetricians to increase vaginal elasticity and bladder control. Vaginal weights come in a spherical shape and are used in increasing weights to strengthen the vagina, which improves sexual performance. Mild urinary incontinence, such as that which occurs while coughing, laughing, or sneezing and occurs more often as women grow older, can be treated with Ben Wa balls,[citation needed] vaginal weights, or Kegel exercise.

Practitioners of such spiritual traditions as Tantra and Chinese Taoism believe that Ben Wa Balls are helpful tools to exercise control and to explore the sensual side of an individual.

O-Balls Set O-球修陰組(紫)

O-Balls Set O-球修陰組(紫)
O-Balls Set O-球修陰組(紫)

O-Balls Set O-球修陰組(紫)


O-Balls Set O-球修陰組提供兩款修陰球: 單球和雙球。


– 高品質的材料
– 衛生,易於清潔
– 安靜
– 強刺激
– 圓潤,便於插入
– 適合陰道肌肉鍛煉

– 如有需要,請配合潤滑劑使用
– 使用時如有不適,請停止使用

Luna Beads 藝妓球

Luna Beads 藝妓球
Luna Beads 藝妓球

Luna Beads 藝妓球

LUNA beads是專為懂得享受自我歡愉的女性所設計的聖品 – 結合歡愉快感以及保健功能的設計讓女人與她們的伴侶們在未來更有能力享受高品質的性愛。LUNA時尚又低調的研發設計代替了傳統的 “藝妓球”,她能增強陰道環肌的張力來改善陰道的敏感程度,同時增強肌肉的控制能力以承受最劇烈刺激美妙高潮。只需優雅地放進體內,她微妙不可思議的律動 引導就能帶您體驗極致的高潮快感,對於重視身體並且在乎性愛品質的女性而言,LUNA beads是您最佳的選擇。

一套附兩種不同重量的滾球,共4個滾球。粉紅色滾球28g,藍紅色滾球37g; 採用無毒安全ABS / 硅膠製造,不含苯二甲酸,使用安全。

滾球直徑:3.2 cm。

– 它的兩端是橢圓形球體,球體內包覆著可滾動的金屬小球
– 隨著人體震動而晃動,快樂無窮
– 帶來令人心癢難耐且心裡小鹿亂撞的挑逗和刺激
– 每個LUNA情趣串珠皆配備有精美禮品盒與豪華絲綢收納袋,此外另附有使用者手冊
– 藝妓球正常版:推薦30歲以上女性使用
– 藝妓球迷你版:推薦30歲以下女性使用


– 建議配合潤滑液使用
– 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用