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目前位置: 首頁 > 男性 - 增長練習 > 增長練習 > Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

  • 商品貨號:2772632
  • 商品品牌:Bathmate ( UK )
  • 商品重量:450克
  • 本店售價:HK$ 980.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:980 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:1052
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Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)




Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)


HydroMax5 是專為陰莖尺寸不超過6吋的用家而設。


HydroMax5 吸力比 Hydro7 高出 35% 以上,加上最新設計的獨特波紋管泵系統,給你更快、更好的成效。波紋管系統採用全新的柔軟密封材料,充分支援舒適環,有助減低壓迫力,圍住陰莖底部及睪丸時感覺會更舒適。此外,HydroMax5 可分件拆卸,清洗過程簡單方便。新的波紋管可360度正向旋轉,提供視覺享受及傾斜角度變化,讓你不論在淋浴、或是浸浴時使用均可得到最佳效果。全新加入的超流暢閥門系統,有助固定液壓增強泵及方便用家於洗澡時單手使用。泵面提供公制及英制的量度刻,給你進一步的視覺效果。真空管的上下紋有助增強吸力,控制度也得到加強。在增加內部空間同時減少迴轉數量,可給你更好更可觀的擴展。


- 適合陰莖尺寸不超過6吋用家
- 全球熱銷陰莖訓練器
- 在淋浴或浸浴時使用
- 精密設計,使用舒適
- 高強度打造,聚碳酸酯管身
- 壓力調節閥門,隨喜好調整
- 醫療級橡膠壓縮,無刺激氣味
- 墊圈分離式設計,更柔軟方便
- 借助水來增加陽具的長度和粗度
- 同時可提升硬度和持久力
- 5年間用家超過20萬
- 24小時內請勿使用該設備超過15分鐘
- 英國製造
- 此商品原為 HYDROMAX X20 新版


Bathmate HydroMax5 Penis Pump Crystal Clear


The Bathmate Hydromax5 is designed to be an excellent starting pump for those measuring up to 5 inches long when erect. At this size, Bathmate's penis pumps tend to have the most pronounced effect, as users quickly develop their size.


Bathmate recently renamed most of their products – you may previously have seen the Hydromax5 under the Bathmate Hydromax X20 name.




The Bathmate Hydropump creates a vacuum inside its plastic tube. The vacuum forces your penis to enlarge to fill the inside of the tube, which forces blood into your penis, stretching and inflating your penis. At first, you’re just bigger because you’re “pumped up”, but eventually you can achieve long-term penis growth.When we, men get an erection, our brain releases a hormone for our body to send maximum blood flow to the Corpora Cavernosa (penis chambers) which fills them up and creates a firmer erection. The Hydropump uses a vacuum to enlarge the penis, forcing more blood into it and effectively causing an erection. This is the reason why pumps have been used for years to treat ED.


By using it in the daily basis, causes the blood vessels to expand which penis allows more blood to fill in the erectile chambers and it creates harder, and bigger erections.In a nutshell, what Bathmate does is create an erection using suction. As you draw blood into the corpus cavernosa, the penis becomes erect. The lymphatic system also gets stimulated and causes the oxidation of blood cells and flushes out toxins for better penile health overall.


Its one-handed mechanism is simple and easy to use which encourages continued use and progress. The Bathmate improves sex by improving your size, but most of us who use it regularly are noticing huge gains in sexual stamina as well. The main focus is length and girth, though, and that’s what you’ll notice immediately when you use the Bathmate.


The statements of this product have not been evaluated by FDA and the products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care.

Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

Bathmate HydroMax5 水療陰莖泵Max5(透明)

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