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Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

  • 商品貨號:2925700
  • 商品品牌:Leten ( China )
  • 商品重量:2.412公斤
  • 本店售價:HK$ 898.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:900 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:241
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Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784


Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 [廣東話/粵語,中文字幕]




- 10種伸縮模式: 前五種為勻速模式,後五種為變頻模式。
- 10種伸縮速度
- 精准定點上下移動
- 伸縮長度:2 - 12 cm
- 雙柄交換操控
- 頂部有手機支架,邊看片邊玩
- 兩頭貫通軟膠
- 材質:ABS、 TPE
- USB充電6小時,能使用40分鐘

左手柄控制: 電源/暫停 + 叫床聲音鍵 (需插入耳機使用) + 10種伸縮速度
右手柄控制: 上下移動鍵 + 切換伸縮模式

包裝尺寸: 330mm * 230mm * 310mm
產品尺寸: 320mm * 180mm * 270mm
連外盒重量: ~ 2412 g
產品重量: ~ 1630g


Leten King PRO Thrusting Masturbator 6784


It offers 10 piston motion modes. This product features precise spot up-and-down movement, allowing users to adjust positions according to their preferences. The adjustable length ranges from 2cm to 12cm. Controlled via the dual handle, it brings a completely new experience to operations. Equipped with a phone holder at the top for simultaneous entertainment and control. Crafted from silicone and ABS materials, it ensures product quality and safety.

- 10 telescopic modes: the first five are constant speed modes, and the last five are frequency conversion modes.
- 10 telescopic speeds
- Accurately move up and down
- Telescopic length: 2 - 12 cm
- Dual handle control
- There is a mobile phone holder on the top, so you can play while watching movies
- Soft rubber penetration at both ends
- Material: ABS, TPE
- USB charging for 6 hours provides 40 minutes of use

Left handle control: power/pause + moaning sound button (need to plug in headphones) + 10 telescopic speeds
Right handle control: up and down movement keys + switch telescopic mode

Package dimensions: 330mm * 230mm * 310mm
Product dimensions: 320mm * 180mm * 270mm
Weight with packaging: ~ 2412g
Product weight: ~ 1630g

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus Leten 炮王 Pro 伸縮飛機杯 6784

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