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My Size Pro 60 天然膠乳避孕套-1片散裝

My Size Pro 60 天然膠乳避孕套-1片散裝 7

  • 商品貨號:2924801
  • 商品品牌:My.Size Pro
  • 商品重量:3克
  • 本店售價:HK$ 15.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:20 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:99
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My Size Pro 60 天然膠乳避孕套-1片散裝


MY.SIZE Pro 提供從45mm到72mm九種不同尺寸。它採用 VYTEX 乳膠製成,這是一種革命性的植物基原料,可從 Hevea brasiliensis 樹木中可持續採摘。隨後經過一種非毒性的多項專利處理工藝,幾乎消除了典型乳膠味和造成過敏反應的抗原蛋白質,這些蛋白質可能導致對天然橡膠乳膠過敏。厚度為0.05至0.06mm,比一般安全套的平均厚度薄15%,提供更敏感的感覺。在整個製造和生產過程中不使用動物產品和進行動物測試。利用高比例的替代能源(目前(2022年)超過60%的電能來自太陽)。

- 從45mm到72mm九種尺寸
- 低過敏乳膠
- 乳膠味較輕
- 易開封膜
- 更薄(0.05mm至0.06mm的厚度)
- 質地:光滑,設有儲精囊
- 顏色:透明
- 配以矽性潤滑劑
- 不使用動物產品和動物測試
- 純素
- 替代能源
- 馬來西亞製造

MY.SIZE Pro 分別提供以下尺寸:
    MY.SIZE Pro 45:直徑約2.86cm,長度:約16cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 47:直徑約2.99cm,長度:約16cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 49:直徑約3.12cm,長度:約16cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 53:直徑約3.38cm,長度:約17.8cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 57:直徑約3.63cm,長度:約17.8cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 60:直徑約3.82cm,長度:約19.3cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 64:直徑約4.08cm,長度:約23.3cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 69:直徑約4.39cm,長度:約23.3cm
    MY.SIZE Pro 72:直徑約4.58cm,長度:約23.3cm

MY.SIZE Pro 是在 MY.SIZE 基礎上開發和改進的。與之相比,

- 使用 VYTEX 乳膠,蛋白質含量減少超過90%,減少了過敏原性,因此也減少了通常安全套特有的乳膠味
- 密封膜更易於打開
- 增加了兩種尺寸(寬度45mm、72mm)
- 更薄,厚度為0.05mm至0.06mm


My Size Pro - Natural Latex Condom 60 Width 1pc


MY.SIZE pro comes in nine sizes from 45mm to 72mm width. It is made from VYTEX latex which is a revolutionary plant-based raw material sustainably harvested from the Hevea brasiliensis tree. It is then treated with a non-toxic multi-patented process to virtually eliminate all of the typical latex smell and the antigenic problem-causing proteins that can result in an allergic reaction to natural rubber latex. At 0.05 to 0.06 mm, it is 15% thinner wall thickness as average condoms, offering a greater sensitivity. No use of animal products and animal testing in the entire manufacturing and production process. It produces with a high proportion of alternative energy use (Over 60% of electrical energy currently (2022) comes from the sun)

- Nine sizes from 45mm to 72mm width
- Hypoallergenic latex
- Less rubber smell
- Easy-opening films
- Thinner (thicknesses of 0.05 mm to 0.06 mm)
- Texture: smooth,  with reservoir tip
- Colour: Transparent
- Lightly lubricated with a silicone-based lube
- No use of animal products and animal testing
- Vegan
- Alternative energy use
- Made in Malaysia

MY.SIZE Pro is available in the following sizes:
 MY.SIZE pro 45: Diameter ~ 2.86cm , Length: ~ 16 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 47: Diameter ~ 2.99cm , Length: ~ 16 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 49: Diameter ~ 3.12cm , Length: ~ 16 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 53: Diameter ~ 3.38cm , Length: ~ 17.8 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 57: Diameter ~ 3.63cm , Length: ~ 17.8 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 60: Diameter ~ 3.82cm , Length: ~ 19.3 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 64: Diameter ~ 4.08cm , Length: ~ 23.3 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 69: Diameter ~ 4.39cm , Length: ~ 23.3 cm
 MY.SIZE pro 72: Diameter ~ 4.58cm , Length: ~ 23.3 cm

MY.SIZE pro is developed and improved over MY.SIZE. When comparing,
- Made from VYTEX latex which has over 90% less proteins, so it is less allergenic and therefore also loses the rubber smell that is otherwise typical of condoms
- The special sealing films are easier to open
- Two sizes (Wide 45mm, 72mm) more
- Smaller wall thicknesses of 0.05 mm to 0.06 mm

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus My Size Pro 60 天然膠乳避孕套-1片散裝

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus My Size Pro 60 天然膠乳避孕套-1片散裝

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